
Jan 20, 2015

God is not on the Hill

Hello People,

How are you doing? How is 2015 shaping out? I hope very well? 

My head is alil here and there this year but I hope to get a balance and get more connected here by the end of the Month. :) 

Psalm 121:1 has been my main 'Theme' for a while right after I changed from ''Rebirth of a Dramaqueen¨ well, only the people that have been here for a long while will know that name... Please, old things have passed away :p 

I got the name ''Foot of the Hill¨ from reading the Bible, it appealed to me but I didn't quiet find a Bible verse to anchor it to that made sense to what I was trying to portray, then I found ''I will lift up my eyes to the hill...¨ then I had an 'aha' moment at the time thinking, If David is lifiting up his eyes to the Hill then God is in the hill so guess who is at the foot of the hill? Yep, you got that right!! David then by extension now, me! Abi? Makes sense when you explain it like that, only God is NOT on the Hill atleast not in that way. 

A friend of mine said to me yesterday ¨When will you get up to the Hill¨ and my response was ¨Hopefully, Never¨ then I paused and remembered what was impressed on my heart about a month ago to go and revise this my ''Foot of the Hill¨ Thing and yes, I pushed back, I didn't want to admit that I was wrong so I brushed it over and in my mind 

¨Let me continue using it like that¨ 
¨It still makes perfect sense na¨
¨What will people think¨
¨Just change it quietly jor, you don't have to explain¨

These and more passed through my mind. So, yesterday I went back to studying it atleast to once again prove to myself that I wasn't wrong *Yimu* It was clear. Let's look at it together shall we? 

I lift up my eyes to the mountains
    where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth¨ (NIV) 

¨I will lift up my eyes to the hills [around Jerusalem, to sacred Mount Zion and Mount Moriah]—From whence shall my help come?

My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth¨ (AMP) 
¨¨I look up to the hills,
    but where will my help really come from?
My help will come from the Lord,
    the Creator of heaven and earth¨ (ERV)
 ¨I look up to the mountains;
    does my strength come from mountains?

No, my strength comes from God,
    who made heaven, and earth, and mountains¨. (MSG) 
In the AMP version there is a reference to Jer 3:23 
¨It was foolish to worship idols on the hills.
    All the loud parties on the mountains were wrong.
Surely the salvation of Israel
    comes from the Lord our God¨
You now see what I mean? It simply means Shall I depend upon the powers of the earth, upon the strength of the hills, upon princes and great men, who, like hills, fill the earth, and hold up their heads towards heaven? No; in vain is salvation hoped for from hills and mountains. I never expect help to come from them; my confidence is in God only.

But like me, many of us have gotten it right side up. Well, I admit I was wrong and based on this you know I am going to change my blog name bah? Okay! I am very sure now that I will choose something that will be timeless and anchored on God's word! 
Have you made any mistake recently that you didn't want to admit? Care to share? Would love to hear from you! 
See, you soon. 


  1. Wow. Publicly admitting something like this takes courage and real lack of pride. i am sure I would have just changed mine undercover. You Have really come a long way.

    1. Loool @ changing uncover. Grateful to God for that.


  2. I dont see any reason for you to change the name of the blog though cos evertn has be used in a context to actually get the meaning....

    Foot of the hill can actually mean... humility at its peak... i

    it could also mean - surrendering all and allow God to take over..

    it could also mean you are alredy down... now its for God to lift you up.

    theres a saying that goes - when you fall down, there's no where else to go but up....

    1. Hmmmm.... Yeah, I get it. But then I have to also put it into perspective especially when I have added a Bible verse to it.

      I guess what I will do is just remove the Bible verse. I appreciate this Teekay!! :)

  3. I kind of agree with teekay's comment...and your reason for wanting to change the titlle works well too. Whatever works for you.

    1. Yeah... I just wanted to make sure I put it in proper perspective. I will leave the name but remove the Bible verse.

      Thanks Lara.

  4. Quite interesting though. The most striking thing for me here is your openness to change. Hope you find a great theme and the scripture that goes well with it.

    1. I appreciate your comment. Yeah, I have decided to stick with this afterall.. but I will just remove this scripture. Thanks


Would love to hear your thoughts. Lets have a conversation!!