
Feb 10, 2015

Reality Or Realitrick?


Shall we do this right please? 


dslr camera

*Post picture on social media* #IwokeUpLikeThis #OOTD #YouCantsitWithUs #WCWForever abbl 

I think you are beginning to get my drift yeah? We would all agree that the world of social media is here to stay and it's use is growing at an alarming rate. Our generation is of the instant gratification and the pseudo-reality called the social network. I am of the opinion that social media is a powerful tool depending on how it is being used, although right now I think its causing more harm than good but I am not here to address that today.

I am going to pick on one that has since been bothering me for a while now and hopefully it is also bothering some other people out there (You know so I won't be alone).

It's the fact that people portray a pseudo-reality that is Instagram perfect, Pinterest worthy, Blogosphere acceptable and no one really cares about Facebook these days -___- As much as I have met really really amazing people online, I have also seen that most of their perfect lives do not even match up to their realities and this is not an exaggeration.

I know people naturally want to put their best foot forward, by doing that we try to come across as living the perfect, happy and all-fulfilling life when in reality perhaps things are not as rosy as they seem. It's rather unfortunate that the 'consumer' is somewhere in his/her real life day dreaming and comparing his/her self till he/she falls into some form of depression thinking he/she is 'missing' out on life

"Why am I not like this girl?''
"Gosh! her life is so perfect"
"She has it all together"
"OMG! Holiday in Dubai, me no holiday *rme*"

I know this is a real problem because I have been a victim and I've had people also testify to this. There is no guarantee that the next person will be real tomorrow or honest about their live but we owe it to ourselves to not let all of that rub off on us. 

I know it can be hard but we can also decide to not jump on the band wagon with the world but use social media in the positive light, no one is saying air your dirty linen, but we can encourage, network, build personal and business relationships and still be authentic as against painting a reality that is not, at the end of the day our motives matter alot. I think we should examine our motives before we post that tweet or post that picture or reply that comment to understand why we are doing what we are doing. Someone might say 'It's not that serious' but I know we can all agree that social media is no more child's play as we see people's life being transformed(for better or worse) through this platforms. Why not be part of the ones contributing to the better-community? 

And for some of us that are still swayed by the things we see/hear on social media - and this is not just about 'worldly' things - there are plenty so called motivational speakers, e-pastors etc that have principles that are not based on God's word but just look like it is and the Lord has warned us to beware of them and we 'blindly' taking in all forms of doctrines (1John 4:1). I encourage us;

  • to be rooted and grounded in God's word so we are not easily swayed by anything and everything that we see on social media, 
  • to guard our hearts with all diligence.
  • to Surround your digital community with people that will build you up and not tear you down (Mentally, Spiritually, physically etc) not just anybody, You don't owe anyone an explanation if all they talk about doesn't suit you.
  •  And if all else fails. log out, and immerse yourself in what will build you up till you learn to be guarded. Trust me, the world will not end and you will be better for it. 
I pray the Lord will help us to be positive influences with use of social media and to also be on the positive receiving end. 

What are your thoughts on the effects of social media? 


  1. I have learnt to take many things I see on social media with a pinch of salt. All these pouting and looking down at your shoes, posing for pictures really puts me off, seriously. This social media self expression has bred a lot of narcissistic set of human beings. It is so irritating.

    1. Lol @ ¨...all these pouting and looking down at your shoes, posing for pictures..¨ Sheeey! sadly alot of people are still jumping on bandwagons!

  2. Interesting topic.. A lot of people have lost sight of reality,in a sense that they value the amount of followers on their social Media pages than how much they have in their bank accounts.. There is so much pressure and people would do anything to come accross as cool,even Photoshop. Let me just stop Here.. I forsee thesis coming.

    1. Lol @Thesis. Didi!! Sheey! and the fact that people are letting that pressure get to them is what is sad.

  3. On point topic Akibo. You si sey I jus now dey show half picture?....Lol. No seriously, thats why I enjoy being an annonymous blogger so to speak, (perhaps not for too much longer). I don't have anything to prove nor desire to prove anything to anyone. I love being me and free from all the modern day Internet/social media pressures, I don't have twitter, instagram or youtube or facebook ( can you believe that?). It seems to be, for the most part, encouraging an era and spirit of vanity and deception. To each his/her own.

    1. o_O you don't have all of that? Wow!! That's great oh... I admire your courage. It takes alot to keep away actually.

  4. Oh this is so true. I had a post like this in mind too. I was going to talk more about over-sharing though. It is crazy. I really don't take anything i see on most social media (especially the ones that allow display) too seriously. Those that shove their opinions down your throat, the anger, filth etc gets a tad too much. so I just jump and pass. I can't be wasting energy on stuff like that biko

    1. oh yeah... There is the over sharing bit too... some people all you have to do is go to their twitter, bbm status or IG to know what is happening in their lives. Phew* ]

      azziiinnn, it's important we remind ourselves why we are here in the first place so we don't let all the negativity get to us.

  5. Social Media is our new is sad how things have turned in our time.
    And it is sad that some people believe whole heatedly whatever they see on social media.

    This post is so on point.

  6. Sad reality of our current world. Your perspective on surrounding one's self with inspiring people is quite interesting.

    1. And I think its important too. online and offline.

  7. Guarding my heart with all diligence. That's is very important to me in this social media crazy age. Very very important.


Would love to hear your thoughts. Lets have a conversation!!