
Feb 17, 2015

I Lost everything

Really, I just lost everything... I realised that I do not really own anything not even my life. Paul asks "What do you have that you do not receive?" I Cor 4:10
When you think about it critically, logically, physically, spiritually and every -ally you discover the truth in that.


Let's think about all you 'have' and count the ones you didn't receive


*Insert video clip here*

"...I never esperredit but God gave it to me" -____- Even he realised that it was given...

Seriously, did you find anything?

All I am saying is this, we go on and on about ''My car"... "My Job"... "My Family"... "My...My...My..."

¨Except God watches the house he that builds labours in vain''... Psalm 127:1

Sadly, what the my-syndrome does is that it steals our peace of mind, joy and causes us to live a stressful life, knowingly or unknowingly.

Let me give an example, You have a boss, he sends you to a meeting to represent him with his car. On your way to the meeting the car breaks down what do you do? Depending on your relationship with the said boss you can either give him a call inform him and he handles the rest (call the mechanic etc) or you can take the initiative call the mechanic but keep your boss in the know and he refunds you right? right. OR

You own the car, same thing happens but this time no one is refunding you, you are left with the stress of making sure that the mechanic does the work right and you still have to make it in time for your meeting.

What I am saying is Thinking we are 'owners' instead of seeing yourself as a steward is alot more stressful.

¨The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof..¨ Psalm 24:1

What do we have that has not been given?


When we look at it all in the light of being stewards we take the burden of the 'care' that comes with it and place it in God's hands - the real owner - Cast your cares upon him for he cares... His yoke is easy and his burden is light...

He worries about the 'how' all we have to do is acknowledge him in ALL our ways and he will direct us, give us instructions to implement. Isn't that less stressful?

Now, this is not a license to be irresponsible because like every steward we would give account of everything that has been put in our care. It's more of a call to consciously remind ourselves that we are care takers and it will help us to be more appreciative of all that has been put in our care and also be careful with the resources given to us.

Grace and Peace to you!


  1. 🙌🙌🙌🙌

    1. Mr Didi... biko explain ooo :p blogger cannor see smiley

  2. This is what I've been meditating on.
    Look at Col 3:3- it says we are dead and or life is hid with Christ. It means I don't exist anymore. I have become a living sacrifice. He owns me and can do as He pleases with me.

    Thank you for reminding me to have a steward mentality as against an ownership mentality.

    1. Likeeee.... Spiritual truths I tell you. Hard pill to swallow too. But totally worth it!!!
      Glory to God!

  3. This is something to hold on to everyday of our lives...we r just passing thru...a good piece boo..miss u inbtwn.

    1. Yes, I totally agree.

      I miss you too dear!!!

  4. Still compiling my words on this kind of post, I'll share this; "We are stubborn and full of pride that we neglect God in our life."

    John 15:5 - we need God.

    1. I am waiting on the compilation o ;)

      Hmmm... We do need God!

  5. This is so true. We act like we can always be in control when in fact, we can't #LetGoLetGod

  6. Gbam! Praise God the giver of all good things!!

  7. I really appreciate this reminder to cast my cares. Sometimes life just stresses you out and you start to worry and panic mainly because you feel YOU have to sort it out.
    I am a steward oh!!!! this is my new note to self when I'm feeling overwhelmed .
    Thanks sis and stay blessed with your beautiful self.
    Favored woman.

  8. I really like this perspective as it actually puts us in a more peaceful position with Christ where we enter His rest. We may have all and yet still not enjoy those gifts in His fullness but when he is t the center of it all...the rest is bliss.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  9. This is a truth that we need to grasp, that's when everything males sense. true true true. what do you have that has not been given.? NOTHING

    1. Yes oh. Truth we need!! Good to see you back here again ;)

  10. Many thanks for sharing this, it certainly creates a shift in perspective from trying to be in control always, to just letting go of our burdens. We own nothing...

    1. Absolutely!!! Great to see you back here!!!


Would love to hear your thoughts. Lets have a conversation!!