¨Its spiritual doesn’t make it less painful'' Introducing: My God & I

Posted by Tomi O on Thursday, September 18, 2014 with 6 comments
Hello people,

I have been working with African Naturalistas for a while and running an Interview column called mane matters and i've watched how its been helpful and encouraging other people on their natural hair journey. I then decided to replicate it here for our walk with God after all that's what's most important. I have a couple of responses already that I will post over the next weeks and hopefully you are encouraged to share yours.

Here is my story; 

I was born into a Christian home and for as long as I remember I have always gone to church. Children’s church, teenagers then adult church… gone through all the Sunday school classes till I became a member of the church and that was it. I remember thinking to myself ¨So, What next?¨




I mean, I didn’t want to go to hell. It’s a horrible place to go to. God, religion and Sunday was a part of my life, nothing more. I didn’t even understand it and looking backI wonder how/why alot of things flew over my head.

Reading the Bible? Struggle.
It was boring and I always fell asleep or just forgot.
Praying? Great chore. Morning devotion was enough.

Then 2012 happened.

I must say this, there is a God-sized hole in every heart whether we fail to admit or not. Its there.

I was in Niger state, lonely, depressed (I wrote somethings on here at the time) and after having suicidal thoughts I knew that was the height.
I started reading the book purpose driven life and followed it for the 40days which propelled me into Gods waiting arms

He had been waiting for me.

I also bought a Bible and my journey started. It was a real radical change, I knew I was broken and only God could fix/heal me with all my sins, my bad attitude, emotional baggage, unforgiveness etc. I took major steps with the help of the holy spirit and walked through those times.

I cried.

I cried alot.

I cried so much.

He specialises in unearthing the deep ugliness inside of you not to show you how ugly you are but to let you see how much beauty HE can bring out of that ugliness.

And boy! The Lord did unearth. I don’t know how long you've been reading my blog but I’m sure you will notice through every hard lesson the Lord has passed me through.

Change? Growth? Painful. Just because its spiritual doesn’t make it less painful.
Who says walking with the Lord is easy? But it is worth it. 

Its been over 2 years since I accepted Christ life and started to find my foot in HIS by following in the steps he left behind.

Do I still fall asleep when I read the Bible? Sometimes
Do I still struggle with prayer? Yes
Do I get shy when I want to share my faith with someone?  Yes

But just like a child learning to walk, every time I fall (short) HE is there to support me and help me up.

¨Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me¨ John 15:5
 I am not perfect but abiding in Christ, I am walking to perfection. I understand that living the life of Christ in this world that is anti-Christ is not going to be easy but as long as I abide in him, I will be fine. Always.

Are you willing to share about your walk with the Lord? Shoot me an email tomi.akibo@gmail.com

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