... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Dec 31, 2014

What more can I say?

I still don't know how to put together my thoughts. Something is happening inside me and I can't explain it (In a good way, I guess) but then. 2014 had toooo manyyy things going on. I am not one of the school of thought that believes that everything will change because the date is changing, however I believe in a God that is not bound by time or doesn't work according to the dictates of my calendar and in him I trust. I have been 'detached'...

Dec 26, 2014

#KidneyTrustFund Your 1000 can save a life

OJB Jezreel was once diagnosed of a kidney failure; a health condition that 1 in every 7 Nigerians is a victim of. Almost every one has a family member or friend or knows someone who is suffering from kidney disease. Using social media, Nigerians rose to the occasion via donations and he was given a second chance at life.As a way of giving back to society, The OJB foundation is working in collaboration with The Bow Tie Club has launched The Kidney...

Dec 22, 2014

Why is it hard to follow Jesus - @josepheparker

What does it really mean to follow Jesus? I ask this question to myself almost every time I tend to either find my spirituality in or out of sync with Him. When I’m dancing in tune with the music I sense heaven is playing, there is always a sense of wonder: How do I sustain this? How do I make this last forever? The music almost always stops when I’m suspended in mid-air trying to perform a new “spiritual dance trick.” In my weak...

Dec 19, 2014

More truths about Tithe @kennykore

Start here to get some perspective The Bible asks us to rightly divide the word of truth, and take care so that we aren't tossed by every wind of doctrine. It asks us to prove all truths Search/Test all spirits And warned us of false prophets, and ANOTHER GOSPEL. How do you guide your heart if you don't search the scriptures like the Bereans who challenged even Paul in his teachings and went to search for themselves if what he taught...

Dec 18, 2014

More truth about tithe @kennykore

Start here for some perspective... Do you know that Abraham did not tithe his own riches? He tithed 10% out of the spoils of war to Melchizedek. Do you know that Abraham returned 90% of this spoils of war to the king of Sodom, after tithing 10% to Melchizedek the king of Salem? Do you also know that Abraham didn't think those spoils of war belonged to him? Because he told the king of Sodom, "... I will accept NOTHING BELONGING TO YOU,...

Dec 16, 2014

Truth about Tithe @kennykore

Continued from the last post (Please read for better perspective) ‪JEWS‬ DO NOT TITHE TODAY. They maintain that only Levites have the right to receive tithe of the people. 1.Since their Temple was destroyed by the Romans. 2. No ordained Temple Levite or Priest. The major factor in fulfilling the laws of tithing does not exist. *So Jews today have synagogues, and a rabbinic order. *Many of today's Jewish rabbis are not Levites. *They...

Dec 15, 2014

Are you robbing God? or Yourself?

Hello People, I have followed Kenny kore on facebook for a good part of this year and listened to him a couple of times as well, he posts short messages almost everyday and I regularly share them but this time I kinda want it to have more reach because of this particular message. Its just amazing because its in-line with what I have been learning in Church over the last week. I have broken down the messages into 4 parts which will run...

Dec 14, 2014

#Photography: Model Alert

Hello people, In 2015, I would be taking alot more pictures... Yes!! Amen!!! I am practicing now, as usual my model Toyo, she is trying to put together a portfolio to move this her new modelling line forward. I am helping - Although she practically bugs the heck out of me to get it done. *phew* Here are the Images we got recently,   We are...

Dec 13, 2014

I found a secret that saves

I saw the book in a corner as I was set to leave home after a long wedding weekend. It wasn't the green cover or petit-ness of the book that made me pick up or the fact that it was the same Author that wrote 'Prayer of Jabez' another book that rocked my world... I don't believe in coindicences and it is obvious that God did want me to read it at this particular point in time.  And I am sooooo grateful for that.  I started the...

Dec 11, 2014

#ThankfulThursday: Wedding Bells

Hello people, It's another ThankfulThursday :) Whoop!!!  It's been an amazing week and getting some time off work to just chill and catch up on my non-official back-log without any pressure was amazing!!  Today, I am Thankful for my Sister... She got Married!! and honestly it still feels unbelievable... The wedding was amazing and I had fun, felt sooo good seeing alot of family and all.  Here are some of the pictures; She...