... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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Jun 12, 2010

MPD (Multiple personality dis-arrangement)

I know by now you must be wondering what this dramaqueen is writing??? welli know what am writing i just would not bring myself to call having a confiding personality a disorder..sorry, speaking of dis-arrangements now i think its a dis-arrangement to call it a disorder...k my bad i'll speak for myslelf anyways back to me...is it really legal? i mean having this multiple personality thingy? i just see it as...Opps i said i'ld speak for myself i see mine as having an inner person that just guides me or gives me a second opinion on the decisions...

Jun 9, 2010


Where are the ears of the youths of this generation? Where is the generation that learn from other people's experience? where is the generation that believe their body is the temple of the lord and not some toy to be played with by a guy? I ask myself this questions when i start hearing true life stories of our generation, they prefer the 'experience is the best teacher' adage of which Yes! i agree to some extent but not when that experience will tanish your image and your future why dont we all just learn from people that have made those mistakes...i...

Fabulous Single Life Pt1

why must everything have its pros and cons???Ok!i got single a couple of months ago exactly one and a half months ago...long story...(post later)Its not really like am having a blast being single and all but really i must confess its really cool, the fact that you are not anwering to anybody, u are not obliged to call and send text messages, u can go out with anybody without having a jealous somebody asking u silly questions, best part u av loads of guys on ur list trying to take u out (for d fine ones sha!!!)...But for me hmm...my single life...