Liable to do what?

Posted by Tomi O on Thursday, August 05, 2010 with 2 comments
This title brings one thing to mind, the popular cigarette ad slogan 'liable to die young' don't lie that was the first thing that came to your mind...

So I just finished a book 'tell me your dreams' by Sidney Sheldon and it’s about MPD and hypnosis, I have a earlier post about MPD and am going to stick to my opinion on that.

So am taking on hypnosis- I did a little research (I think am too curious) bt who cares about research and all...this particular had 3 alter personalities and was hpnotized to be able to talk to the alter personalities really does it work? Is it demonic? These are the questions I ask myself.

well for those of you that don't know what hypnosis it is the art of hypnotizing a person and the idea of hypnotizing is to make the person be in a trance, put any idea in the person's head and you make the person do anything you say even if it’s to bark like a dog. I also read that some companies use hypnosis in their adverts to make pple buy their products hmm...dats weird on a second thought no wonder you buy a product and when you get home u ask urself 'what was I thinking buying this?' we get that sometimes right?

And some people say it’s not demonic abeg abeg abeg (my new slang from BBA) that is the devil at its peak chai curiosity really kills the cat, it just killed mine bt as they say 'a cat has nine lives' so I have 8 more to go. But really we have to be careful about the things we watch, read and listen to this days cos it seems like everything is not safe anymore from the music to the movies now the adverts wow!! I think smashing the TV is a better idea to be on the safer side or what?