... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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  • Welcom

    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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  • Welcom

    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Mar 19, 2013

100 Truths about me!

I saw this on Nikkysho's blog and i wanted to do it too :) but I stole it from Sugabelly. LASTS 1. Last drink: Water 2. Last phone call: My Sister 3. Last text message: MTN - I only get text messages from them these days 4. Last song you listened to: Hezekaih Walker - God favours me ft Marvin sapp 5. Last time you cried: Yesterday -   SIX HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice: No 7. Been cheated on: Yes 8. Kissed someone: Yes 9. Lost someone special: Yes… My grandmother 10. Been...

Mar 11, 2013

VLOG: Liebster Awards

The rules are as follows 1. Thank and link back to the giver. 2. Answer the giver’s questions. 3. Nominate five other blogs with fewer than 200 followers. 4. Ask five questions for one’s nominees to answer. 5. Post it on your blog.  I got the awards from toin, ay, sugarspring and 'feyi Thank you girls so much!! My own answers is this video, because i was thinking of how i would type it all x_x Lazy much!! I nominate -...