Life without the 'R's and 'Y's

Posted by Tomi O on Friday, November 05, 2010 with 1 comment
I pick up my laptop to type an article then discovered evething i wanted to tpe looked like that oh shit! the 'r' and 'y' keys don't work... I've been using my on-screen keyboard as alternative but that could be very frustrating...

This got me thinking seriously about my life without these particular letters in my words, they definatly would look meaningless now am even looking above this write up and i've used countless r's and y's....

Just like the alphabets every letter needs another letter to make sense to anybody in any language, so does everyone in this world need the next person to make the world a better place, so look at the person next to you as the 'r' and 'y' that you need to to make that wo'r'd meaningfull'y' meaningful and stop seeing people as either worthless or irrelevant to us because we never can tell where the tides of life is taking us tomorrow..

So am challenging every reader right now to be the 'r' in someone's word and also make the next person the 'y' in your lively life, am sure if we all as individuals accept this challenge this world would be a better place....
