Hold me Now

Posted by Tomi O on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 with 12 comments

I am a dreamer and not the "I have a dream" kinda dreamer. I dream like joseph, a lot of times I forget but there are some particular dreams I remember.

Two days ago I took a nap and I had this dream, the content I can't remember but a certain someone held up a bible verse to me
Exodus 7:8-9 then I woke up.

I know my last post said "Stay Positive" and all but it ain't that easy, I can only try as a human in the end I'm not perfect. Last week was a pretty rough week for me so seeing that verse, I just wanted to figure out what was in it for me. It reads...

"The Lord said to moses and Aaron. When pharaoh says to you 'perform a miracle' then say to Aaron, 'Take your staff and throw it down before pharaoh' and it would become a snake"

Before I opened it, I thought it was going to be a straight forward "encouragement verse" but I got more confused "moses" "Aaron" "staff" "snake" "miracles" *phew* then I started thinking about what the meaning could be to me and I was totally blank I got sleepy and it started coming to me. Let's analyse shall we?

There was a man with an ordinary staff in his hands, God knew he would be asked to perform a miracle and told him to drop the staff and it would turn to a snake right? Yeah. Ok.

"He had a staff", not he gave him a staff
"Throw it down" Action
"It would turn to snake" result

So this is how I see it.
We all HAVE something in us that we probably don't know would be of use and the world is there (pharaoh in this case) waiting to see what we have to offer, so we have to act for us to get results. Let's bear in mind that Moses and Aaron did not practice to see the miracle would really happen if they drop the staff, they went and dropped it with faith.

Before now my worry has been what I would do after service, thing is my dad wants me to go for masters and that's not what I want but I'm just scared that what I want may not work out, maybe this verse was all I needed to assure me that he's got me.

So what's my point exactly? Everything we need we have, we just don't know it yet. This is telling us that no matter what we should take the dive with faith, God would DEFINITELY catch us and give us our miracle..
