... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Dec 30, 2013

Burning Quench

She deeps her feather in the ink of her own tears Dark, colourless ink, she scribbles. Screams in the tears, pain in the heart – for every drop, She writes, for her quench The burning quench. With every stroke of the feather – quench Deep, engulfing quench. Quench of the thirst. Quench of the burning. Burning desire to purpose. The burning quench – eating up. She is her and I am she Screams in each tear, pain with every letter Letter of the scribble...

Dec 28, 2013

Photography: No Words

Please, don't ask what I was going for here. Honestly, I had no idea. I just thought to take pictures of my markers *shrugs* Like it? :) ...

Dec 27, 2013

Bible is the mark of the beast?

O_O You can imagine my shock when I saw this statement about 2 weeks ago. I am a YouTube troller, I will go watch one video and end up watching 10 other "Related" Links and by the time I start from Joyce meyer I am done with probably some make-up or food tutorials. Can you relate? This faithful day, Was going through some P4CM poetry then I saw another video that a guy made trying to analyse and counter all their messages( He is/was an...

Dec 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Whoooop!!!!! Its Christmas DAY!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas from all of US here at The foot of the Hill, Which is Technically YOU and I!! Lets not forget that Jesus is the reason for the Season, His Birth to bring life and redemption to mankind. :) I decided to do a mini-shoot before I took down my weave and It came out nice, did some tweaking on some pictures too. Enjoy :)  Yes! Being Silly  Merry Christmas once...

Dec 21, 2013

Photography: Shoes

I am home alone most of the time and I don't have a model, So I used my shoes, These are the images I created. I need More shoes x_x I should've put the shoes alot closer Like this :) Then, Torch light at work See my torch? Got to improvise as I don't have lights - Yet Love this What Picture do you Like mos...

Dec 20, 2013

Confessions of a Horny Virgin: What really Counts

Hello Everyone, Welcome once again, and If you've not been following the series click here for the previous episodes and yes *sniff* *sniff* Its the last episode *pouts* I had fun. But lets proceed shall we? :) In the past 2 weeks you've come here to read me relay a part my story. You either stopped by because of the catchy Title or to feed your curiosity about where I am taking this to. For whatever reason you opened the link, I really...

Dec 19, 2013


Hello People!! How are you all doing? And how is your week Going? Last Week was easily the longest week I had to deal with, I am grateful to God for progress. Here is more of what I am grateful for this week ~ Life; I can't even over emphasise this ~ Family ~ The body of the church  ~ Friends ~ Very Good Friends ~ Friends like family ~ End of the work year ~ Toyosi ~ Bobby Pins ~ Dove Body lotion ~ Good Health ~ being able...

Dec 18, 2013

Confessions of a Horny Virgin: Almost doesn't count

Good Morning, How are you doing? Have you been following this series? Good. But if you've not, you can check it out the previous posts here  Enjoy and pick up a lesson or 2 :)  ".... there are virgins due to lack of opportunity. They do all sorts except the tearing of the hymen part which I don't consider as being true to one's virgin nature and totally not God's definition of being a virgin"  - Comment on the Introduction I...

Dec 17, 2013

Photography: Night-time in Gidi

I was on my way to a Night of worship when I took most of the pictures on here, You won't imagine how I got some of the images, Wanna know? As me in secret :p  For the love of keke-napep From the back seat on the BRT bus Love this Light Patterns Doughnut anyone? x_X  66...?  More light patterns Full moon Really ask me, I will tell - In secret! :)...

Dec 16, 2013

Confessions of a Horny Virgin: Interlude

Hi, Welcome back or Welcome. If this is your first time here click here to see the previous 'Confessions'. Enjoy. *                                                                             *                  ...

Dec 14, 2013

Photography: Monochrome

Hello, Meet Tobiloba (My sister) my torch-light-in-the-dark photography muse. Made all her pictures in black and white, Just because. She went and took out all her hair *smh* Enjoy Love the eyes She looks like a guy fah Love that green thing the light made :) Yep! Caught in the dream land She has the whitest teeth in my family! Don't ask She practically asked me till I posted it. "Have you posted those my pictures"  Yes,...

Dec 13, 2013

Confessions of a horny Virgin: Activation

I grew up with the fear in my heart of getting pregnant if I ever had sex. Mother had done a good Job of making me understand the implication of getting pregnant and I knew I didn't want to be the girl with big belly going to the tailor's shop to resume work after dropping out, automatically sex was a NO-NO! So, I zipped up. Getting to secondary school and seeing young girls like me living the "aristo" life I knew I didn't want to be part of...

Dec 12, 2013

#ThankfulThursday: Grateful

Hi there, Yaaaaaaaay!! Its another Thursday. Have you said Thank you to God today?? This week has been crazy for my family but all the same we are Thankful. Here is a list what i'm Thankful for this week ~ Toyosi ~ Garri and perfect eye sight ~ Timeless Truths ~ Proverbs ~ Sope ~ Sammy ~ Rhoda ~ Gifts ~ Bookstores ~ Friends like Family ~ Family that sticks together ~ Nice Doctors and Nurses ~ Good Health ~ Gods Favour What are you thankful...