... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Jun 28, 2014

10 Things I learnt from an Amazing Photographer

Hello There, Welcome back, How have you being doing? I decided I will post my photography mumbo Jumbo Saturdays (I really hope you guys are interested.. Please say you are :) ) anyways... Back to today's post. With my Friends Camera :)  In the bit to improve my photography and gain some exposure in the business of photography My pastor (Deolu Akinyemi) introduced me to a photographer. I had not heard about him before and I only got his...

Jun 25, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: No higher calling

Down at Your feet, Oh LordIs the most high placeIn Your presence, LordI seek Your face, I seek your face ChorusThere is no higher calling no greater honorThan to bow and kneel before Your throneI'm amazed at Your glory, embraced by Your mercyOh Lord, I live to worship You Down at Your feet, Oh LordIs the most high placeIn Your presence, LordWe seek Your face, we seek your face Love this song!! I hope you enjoyed it.&nb...

Jun 23, 2014

Jack of ALL trades, master of ALL

*Sings into the stage*  "Mo ni baba kan, baba ara to mo'yi omo. Ko fi mi shere o" (I have one father, a father that knows the worth of a child. He doesn't play with me) *Picks up mic* I'm sure we all have that friend that reads wide and knows a little - at least - about every topic, and they humbly share their knowledge right? You don't have? Let me introduce you to my master of ALL. He doesn't just know and contribute, he gives you practical steps for everything you need. I woke up with this truth translated in my spirit, Jesus...

Jun 18, 2014

Guest Post: What no one will tell you about your relationship with God

In my walk with God (howbeit Short) there are a few things I learnt along the way that no one sent me the Memo in advance. I just want to be a good Samaritan, especially if you are new on this Love walk with God. Here are some things I've learnt along the way that no one told me about; 1. The Initial High will Fade: I grew up in the church and I have probably dedicated and rededicated my life over to God countless times, along the way...

Jun 16, 2014

256: Abaddon II

Hello There, Welcome to my short story series - 256, This is part 2 of one I started a week ago click here to read and to check out the rest of the series here She  lands on the stack of the travel boxes a few steps away from where he stood "I warned you, go to work and leave me in peace" She stood up and walked up to him again "Leave you in peace? and me? what happens to my own peace of mind" This time his palm gave a quick response...

Jun 14, 2014

Through my lens: Saturday with Toyo

Hello there, If you've been reading my blog and don't know I am a photographer then ya not a real follower -_- anyways, My sister came over sometime last week and as usual, we did a photo session. Here are some of the images.  She is a model (amazingly natural in her element) and if you know any agency, we will gladly sign up :) Click here to see more of what i've posted. ...

Jun 12, 2014

#ThankfulThursday: Organized Chaos

Hello there, Been a while I did this but my organized chaotic life that is going on is something I am grateful for. Here are a list of things I am specifically grateful for this week. ~ Weakness; I woke up on Monday morning verrry weak in my body, I'm grateful because then he showed me how he could be my strength regardless. Sunrise ~ Growth ~ Sope; We had a looong overdue talk and it was an amazing experience.  ~ Sunrise...

Jun 11, 2014

Opinion: Is it lack of faith to not put all your eggs in one basket?

Based on the common saying ¨I cannot put my eggs in one basket¨ Sope hit me with a question ¨Is not putting your eggs in one basket wisdom or an act of not enough faith?¨ In order for me to understand he gave me examples. 1. Is it an act of foolishness to take drugs or is it lack of faith? 2. Is it wisdom after praying about wanting to do masters to also start applying for Jobs? Wisdom or Lack of faith? Having said that, there are babes in...

Jun 9, 2014

256: Abbadon

Hi everyone,  I meant it when I said I was back :) So, we will continue where we left off in the 256 series, Click Here to find Introduction to the series and Here for the First story in the Series (Cumi) I do hope you enjoy this one. Let me know in the comment box! The rays of light sipping through the Iron bars was the only source of light Bamiro knew after sunset. Sitting in the corner of the darkness, he flinched as he felt the...

Jun 5, 2014

Happy New Month!!!!

Hello there, *Wipes cobweb* It. is. about. time. I know, its been forever and I started this series and I didn't finish... I shall repent x_x I remember when I always just posted stuff randomly, why did i become all so serious? :( Life has been good crazy, keeping up with alot of things. I. need. a. vacation. or just a break, jeez everything is in a disorganized order. You know when your room is scattered but you know EXACTLY where everything is? Thats the best description of my life right now, It can be good and also bad. I'm still a grateful...