... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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  • Welcom

    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Jul 31, 2014

... Of gratitude, Birthdays and coming out

...From under the rock -_- Disclaimer: This post is filled with pictures :) and the word "Amazing" will be overused  I've been MIA on purpose. I NEEDED a break. The original plan was to to just go somewhere for a week (As my budget allowed) and just get away from everything without internet and just have fun, evaluate my life and come back to reality but... Nothing went as planned except the scheduled time I took off work. I resumed today. This...

Jul 15, 2014

I really thought I heard God this time

I thought I heard God... I thought he led me to make the decision? I thought he led me to walk in this path? source I wrote down this title a day before I had a reason to write it out If I heard him direct me why are things not working out? These were one of my thoughts when I decided to cut my hair last year Nothing has gone as planned in the last 2 months. By May 2014, I knew exactly where I would be at the end of the year and mentally...

Jul 10, 2014

#ThankfulThursdays: My unsung Heros

Hello Everyone, Its ThankfulThursday! Whoop. I'm going to do something rather different today. On a faithful day, I sat back and thought through the process of my life, what it had taken me to get to where I was today. There are people that their names are on the forefront that will readily spill out of my mouth when i'm asked... My Dad, My Mum, My sisters, Mosope, Debo... I also noticed at different points/phases there were people that although...

Jul 7, 2014

The awkward moment when Jesus is not the Rock

Hello There, *Insert Tune* "The wise man built his house upon a rock x 2 The rain will come and the storm will come the house will never fall. The foolish man built his house upon a sand x2 The rain will come and the storm will come the house will never stand" I remember singing that in sunday school I also remember once on Twitter I said "Jesus is the rock" Using Matt 7:24-27 This verse of scripture in the context of "Are you on a solid foundation"...

Jul 5, 2014

Photography: Pencil Points

Hello Everyone,  I found a pack of pencils in my house and I LOVED it, Just had to take a picture. Since I don't have alot of equipments and I'm still exploring. With my Nikon D7000, 35mm lens, white paper and torch light I got these images.  Used Lightroom for post production. I hope you enjoy. :)  ...

Jul 1, 2014

What's PMS got to do with it?

Disclaimer: There is the excessive use of the word ''Period" in this post. Every Pun is intended in the post. Enjoy! Hello There!! Its that time of the month! Different people have their different names for this "Short" period in their month. I asked my bbm contacts last night and I got different names like Mr red, Red robots, Nkan osu, and Monica peters ( Don't ask) -__- Now, this is not really about the names girls give their "Time of the month"...