... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


May 31, 2013

Children's letters to God.

Hi, We can all agree that Children are adorable yeah? I thought so too, i noticed a friend uses a couple of pictures of letter to God by children and i decided to check for more. The innocent, cute, funny and downright adorable letters. Had to stop myself from getting more. Enjoy! ...

May 27, 2013

Let them Come

I wrote this and read in church dedicating to the children and decided to share here (I'm gonna skip how happy doing this made me) Here you go: Why are they all gathered around me? why does my cry bring them smiles and laughter? oh! the comfort and peace their arms bring. but how can i understand? i'm just a child. "verily i say unto you, except you be converted and become like a little child, ye shall not enter the kingdom of God" Look at...

May 22, 2013

Do we still ask God Questions?

Hello, I really did not plan to update this blog today but i just don't know i just feel the need to share one of the quickest replies God has given me (in the past week) to my request, to help understand i would be posting my journal entries for a couple of days from last week, i really hope this helps someone. source ***Disclaimer: What you are about to read are my conversations with God and i am very care free and i speak  write jargons...

May 12, 2013

The Seer: Redistribute II

Hello people, I know, i should've written this for a long time. This is the second part of "Redistribute" and if you missed the first part read it here. Enjoy! source The 5000 capacity auditorium is located at the heart of the city, and every week was filled to the brim. Few kilometers around her are residential buildings, office spaces and some of the city's highest administrative offices. The power of the holy spirit filled the...