... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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Apr 14, 2015

This Phase is over - Bye Blogger!

Hello Everyone, How are you doing? It's been a while. This post is not going to be long. I have some news! My Blog will be 5 in May!!! Whoooop! So, I have been blogging for 5 years... Wow!! It's definitely been an humbling experience, met alot of people, watched my growth etc. I am glad I decided to blog. To celebrate my 5th year, I have decided to discontinue this blog x_x Waaaaiiiittttt!!! Doesn't mean I have stopped blogging or will shut...

Mar 3, 2015

His Perspective: Why do men cheat?

Earlier today, having a discussion with a good friend, she asked me: “Jay, why do men cheat?”. Out of the blue like that. Wow. Why indeed? This is the question we all seem to want an answer to, so that maybe, just maybe, we can find a solution and our men can keep their eyes inside, and not look to play outside matches. I was prepared to answer this question, because earlier this week, I had another conversation with a good friend, (oh well, life’s all about conversations isn’t it?), and in her wisdom she told me: “We are all capable of every...

Feb 24, 2015

He is a God of process

Sitting at the extreme right on the first row of the bus, was a lady with 3 kids as the 4th passenger on where was clearly supposed to sit just 3 people. The youngest child started crying as the bus was too hot, the continuous cry filled the almost silent bus. "Give the baby what she wants or she won't stop crying" a man's voice from the back rang loudly. The mother ignored while trying to pat the baby on the back to shut her up but this baby...

Feb 22, 2015

Through my lens || Love is Impossible

I am taking my photography alot more seriously this year and I have been going through a 52 weeks challenge (More on this soon) with a group of photographers this has made me just want to take pictures of everything and I am one of those people that cleans her ears every second (if possible) and I got this inspiration from my earbud container (obviously -_-) as it was the season of love, I took to Instagram to share some Lovey-dovey message,...

Feb 17, 2015

I Lost everything

Really, I just lost everything... I realised that I do not really own anything not even my life. Paul asks "What do you have that you do not receive?" I Cor 4:10 When you think about it critically, logically, physically, spiritually and every -ally you discover the truth in that. Pause! Let's think about all you 'have' and count the ones you didn't receive 5 4 3 2 1 *Insert video clip here* "...I never esperredit but God gave it to me" -____-...

Feb 10, 2015

Reality Or Realitrick?

lights Camera *click* errmm...  Shall we do this right please?  lights dslr camera *click* *Post picture on social media* #IwokeUpLikeThis #OOTD #YouCantsitWithUs #WCWForever abbl  I think you are beginning to get my drift yeah? We would all agree that the world of social media is here to stay and it's use is growing at an alarming rate. Our generation is of the instant gratification and the pseudo-reality called the social...

Jan 20, 2015

God is not on the Hill

Hello People, How are you doing? How is 2015 shaping out? I hope very well?  My head is alil here and there this year but I hope to get a balance and get more connected here by the end of the Month. :)  Psalm 121:1 has been my main 'Theme' for a while right after I changed from ''Rebirth of a Dramaqueen¨ well, only the people that have been here for a long while will know that name... Please, old things have passed away :p  I got...

Jan 16, 2015

Will you keep quiet?

Let us pray for the change we need and also be available for service!!!  She said to me ¨Where are you?¨ I simply replied ¨Hiding¨ Hiding in my ignorance. This selective ignorance the shields me from her pain Can you see her pain? Can you feel the blood as they drip. 1 too many to continue to count. 1 by one she drops... pieces of her essence. But NO MORE... NO MORE, I scream. NO MORE, I Scream.. again I Scream. It's 2015 and its time...

Jan 8, 2015

Vlog: Greetings!

Hello People, How is the year going? I did a video on the 1st of Jan and magically forgot my memory card at home so I couldn't edit or do anything until yesterday. So, this video is coming abit late but it's better late than never right? I tried my hands on some editing and I know it will get better with time... Without me talking too much, here is my less than one minute new year video. Enjoy! I also tried using my camera this time and although the quality is waaay better on my computer after all the edit this was what I was left with, but...

Jan 1, 2015

I want to be honest about #DailyExhortations

Hii, Happy New Year!! I know this is not exactly the post you would expect on the first day of 2015, but hey! Its critical. I can't exactly remember when I started #DailyExhortations but I am sure that it is over a year ago. #DailyExhortations is where I send out Bible verse everyday to my contacts (bbm, whatsapp, facebook). Its exciting and I am humbled to do it. BUT, lately errrmmm... *scratches head* Its been some sort of a chore x_x and...

Dec 31, 2014

What more can I say?

I still don't know how to put together my thoughts. Something is happening inside me and I can't explain it (In a good way, I guess) but then. 2014 had toooo manyyy things going on. I am not one of the school of thought that believes that everything will change because the date is changing, however I believe in a God that is not bound by time or doesn't work according to the dictates of my calendar and in him I trust. I have been 'detached'...

Dec 26, 2014

#KidneyTrustFund Your 1000 can save a life

OJB Jezreel was once diagnosed of a kidney failure; a health condition that 1 in every 7 Nigerians is a victim of. Almost every one has a family member or friend or knows someone who is suffering from kidney disease. Using social media, Nigerians rose to the occasion via donations and he was given a second chance at life.As a way of giving back to society, The OJB foundation is working in collaboration with The Bow Tie Club has launched The Kidney...

Dec 22, 2014

Why is it hard to follow Jesus - @josepheparker

What does it really mean to follow Jesus? I ask this question to myself almost every time I tend to either find my spirituality in or out of sync with Him. When I’m dancing in tune with the music I sense heaven is playing, there is always a sense of wonder: How do I sustain this? How do I make this last forever? The music almost always stops when I’m suspended in mid-air trying to perform a new “spiritual dance trick.” In my weak...

Dec 19, 2014

More truths about Tithe @kennykore

Start here to get some perspective The Bible asks us to rightly divide the word of truth, and take care so that we aren't tossed by every wind of doctrine. It asks us to prove all truths Search/Test all spirits And warned us of false prophets, and ANOTHER GOSPEL. How do you guide your heart if you don't search the scriptures like the Bereans who challenged even Paul in his teachings and went to search for themselves if what he taught...

Dec 18, 2014

More truth about tithe @kennykore

Start here for some perspective... Do you know that Abraham did not tithe his own riches? He tithed 10% out of the spoils of war to Melchizedek. Do you know that Abraham returned 90% of this spoils of war to the king of Sodom, after tithing 10% to Melchizedek the king of Salem? Do you also know that Abraham didn't think those spoils of war belonged to him? Because he told the king of Sodom, "... I will accept NOTHING BELONGING TO YOU,...