... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Jan 28, 2013

I get on my knees...

"Its the 24th and I've spent more time on my knees this year than the whole 2012" - MeI fall on my knees and ask why?I fall on my knees to understand why?I fall on my knees to know why you forsake me?I fall on my knees to know why everyone else sees it except me?I fall on my knees!I fall on my knees to remind you that I waited on you for 3days to give me answers?I fall on my knees to remind you of what you say.I fall on my knees to wonder why you let me pick my last money to go seek vague answers.I fall on my knees to wonder.I fall on my knees...

Jan 20, 2013

I'm Sorry

"He that is without sin among you cast the first stone at her - Jesus" "Love your neighbor as you Love yourself" - Jesus I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry for not saying sorry earlier. I'm Sorry for not thinking that i had even offended you I'm Sorry for shoving my faith in your face I'm Sorry for making you feel like am all perfect. I'm Sorry for the times i didn't smile at you even when i realised that's all you needed. I'm Sorry. I'm sorry for not saying hello when i passed beside you. I'm sorry for talking behind your back and calling you "weird". I'm...

Jan 15, 2013

Happy Nappy

Hello People, How is the 2013 Journey going? Mine? Lovely :) So, i've been meaning to do this and since i had alot of time on my hands today i decided to go through my pictures to share my Natural hair Journey. Hope You guys enjoy it :) Journey so far! My hair was really long before i semi-big chopped it, but when you are in the north with the weather and not knowing what to do with your hair and it starts breaking, your next instinct is to...

Jan 4, 2013

NewYear Highness!!!

This is my sister and i goofing around tonight and i thought i should share.... we didnt drink anything. Too much happiness in the system, i guess! This time i am shyyyyyyyyyy X_X Hope you enjoyed my dancing vi...

Jan 3, 2013

Why you should Masturbate.

Hi Everyone. Happy New Year. *Awkward Silence* Yes, you read right, okay. Honestly there is a huge invisible NOT between should and Masturbate, you can all contribute your sighs of relief here \______/ I just needed to arouse your curiosity, How did I fair? Don't go Just yet na. Hang around alil more. On a more serious note, we always look for justification for our addictions so, atleast that would give us some form of 5-mins fix that we are...