... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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Jul 30, 2013

Recovered - My Testimony

I must have mentioned how much God answers prayers on this blog before, He did it again this morning, I would mention later in this post. ***Disclaimer: The title has more to do with 1samuel 30:18 than it actually has to do with this post, there are somethings i don't understand too*** Anyways, straight to what God did for me. Since God met with me in the dusty town of Kontagora (click to read the story) i have been basking in his Love, learning...

Jul 26, 2013

Birthday Post: Without You

I don't know where i would be without you. Lover of my soul. Without you, Lost. Without you, Worthless. Without you, Clueless. Without you, empty. Without you, dead. Without you, foolish. Without you, penniless. Without you, depressed. Without you, sad. Without you, no pen. Without you, darkness. what will i do without you? king of kings. My Best friend. I really can't do without you. I can't live without you. Awesome Lord, Wonderful...

Jul 23, 2013


Hello People, I know i want to make healthier choices, i might just be taking it to a whole new level by going vegan. I stopped taking sugar like over 2-3months now (lost count) I stopped drinking garri (Who would've thunk it?) But my love for garri cannot fade away.. I got a new bowl for my garri. Found out about the VeganNigerian about a month ago, and i'm glad i did check out her blog. So, i decided to try out this recipe. What i...

Jul 14, 2013

#TruthSeries: In God's Eyes II

This is a continuation, read the first here Then Jane ran off to dance with her boyfriend. I stood there in silence. A few minutes later, my friend Paul joined me. "He's sure having a lot of fun" he said "who is having a lot of fun?" I asked "Your father. He's having a ball" "Yeah. i guess" I didn't know what else to say. "You know, he's always been there," Paul said. "I remember when you and i were on the soccer team. He tried out as coach, but he couldn't run up and down the field, remember? so they picked Jackie's father. But your dad still...

Wordless: God is Love


Jul 13, 2013

#TruthSeries: In God's Eyes

My dad was ugly, and i knew it. By the time i was ten, I was totally ashamed of my father. My friends called him names: Quasimodo, hunchback, monster, little Frankenstein, the crooked little man. At first it hurt when they called him those things, but soon i agreed with them. [source] My father was born with parastremmatic dwarfism. The disease made him stop growing when he was about thirteen and caused his body to twist into a grotesque shape....

Jul 9, 2013

Twenty Three before Twenty Four

[source] Hello Beautiful People, Happy New Month!!! The first week was easily the most difficult week of the year, why? I really can't tell but i am at the foot of the hill looking up to get answers - One thing is for sure though. Gods got me BIG time, i can feel it! Enough about me, i found on Kovie's blog the 26 things she wants to do before she turns 27, i want to join the band wagon. Although i have goals for the year and i have NOT achieved...