... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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Oct 31, 2010

Writer's Blocked???

This is unfair! That is all i can say about this. But why does this have to happen to every body that writes?Writer's block is a condition, associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work!I'm just writing this as a way of encouraging myself because right now i have this and it sucks really cuz you wanna write so bad but you are dry (litrally)...Since i dont i've inspiration to write i decided to use my disappointment as a blessing...Thinking hard am gonna likin the 'blocked life of a writer' to...

Oct 24, 2010

Day 18: Someone i wish i could be

MTN has really bin dulling me!! Am sori for the zillionth time....Well there is no one i wish i could be like because this is MY story and as the day go by i am writing my own fairy tale, i really hope people would stop re-living other people's lives and start writing theirs...Its not too late you kn...

Day 19: My view on gay marriage

What is gay Marriage?? This is the union between two individuals of the same sex in 'UNHOLY' matrimony...Am gonna try not to get too spiritual here but there is no way we talk bout this and not refer to God's Commandment...Some people say 'whats wrong with being attracted to people of the same sex' well here is your answer EVERYTHING!!!!Lately i've had like 2 people tell me being a lesbian is cool but its gross being gay WTF abeg wats d difference??This is absolulty wrong in all ramification Biblically, Morally, Physically gosh it even violates...

Oct 22, 2010

day 17: Someone from my Childhood

Warning: This is probably gonna be the driest post ever cos where i am right now i did not get internet connection to use my phone to update all morning...... Honestly i don't have anything to write because today was not exactly a good day for me *too long story* you dont wanna know trust me... anyways i'm just updating nnow because i don't want to fail in my challenge, so am gonna highlight what i've bin doin lately/ what i've bin goin through 1. Trip to Ife...Trust me i needed it... 2. Got a new ASST. Boyfriend *don't ask*....i like him (if...

Oct 21, 2010

Day 16: someone in Not in my state or Country/ Are promises really made to be broken???

So in my quest of makin this challenge intersting to read am changin todays topic.... Really why now? I ask myself but on a second thought why not! Let us just deal with this and move on with our lives as better and changed people don't you think? Am so sure everybody at one point or another has had a promise broken..well like i always do i speak for myself. I've had everyone in my life make a promise to me at some point and still break it on my...

Oct 20, 2010

Day 15: The person i miss the most

Today i'm half way through my challenge. I became lazy to update so i say ''Devil is a liar''... Well the truth be told i have been working on my IT report all day and its really not easy trust me... So who did i miss the most actually i dont have a specific someone cos all day i have been searching my brain but all i know is that i miss all my bestfriends soo much i would love to hang out with them anytime soon...i love you guyz... oK! am sensing that this thingy is getting boring so i would try my best to make it more interesting after.... P.S:...

Oct 19, 2010

Day 14: Someone from whom i've Drifted

Gosh i totally forgot i had to do this....Ok! So who have i drifted from??? emm... Yeah my Laptop gosh i've so missed ma baby altho' she doesnt have a name but she is my baby, since i left school for my internship i've abandoned her and am sure she felt it... So baby this is my public apology to you since we still have a long way to go together, you would be with me through IT report, my lonely days, project proposal, project et all...and am sure you would not 'baje' on me...love you boo boo and i've missed ya loads...Ps: i've really bin having...

Oct 18, 2010

Day 13: FICTIONAL bOok

Altho' i have not finished this book not to talk of the rest of the series..but the little i've read from this book...its breath taking...Really i wonder what goes on in the heads of writer like ted dekker...and to know that they 've not used 5% of their brains hmmm....what wld now happen if they were using it...enough said! I just love this book....tho' its old but the series is a MUST re...

End of the Year Already????

This is past midnight and i can't sleep am just listening to the all the songs on me phone hmm...so what am i gonna do? I just pick up my diary and decide to go down memory lane wow its funny how time flies and its almost the end of the year wow so according to the records of my diary what have i achieved this year so far 1. New year one month fasting 2. Better grades...this is good 3. A broken relationship 4. Fabulous/ lonely single life 5. New lesson: Everything happens for a reason 6. Another lesson: people are in our lives for a reason..just...

Oct 17, 2010

Day 12: The person i hate/ the person that has caused me the most pain

I've Learnt not to hate people, so i don't hate anybody honestly. I know people i've caused me pain well look through Day 7 all of those people in their own way ve caused me pain but am not sure who caused me the most pain... oh! Yeah i remember my bicycle has caused me the most pain, in those days that was the period i had the injuries from learning and doing stunts with it hmm...since i stopped riding i've not gone to d clinic to complain for...

Oct 16, 2010

Day 11:A deceased person whom i wish i could have talked to

This is quite easy and am grateful to God for not letting me be in the position where i lost anyone close to me to regret not talking to the person. So there is no one well except if i can put in Yaradua sha..cos really i hope to ,eet one president and since yaradua is dead then maybe he fits on here...

Oct 15, 2010

Day 10: Someone i don't talk to as much as i'ld like to...

So meet my friend-turned-not friends anymore..but for the records i still consider him ma friend, even if he does not know....so here is our little story...We met randomly on facebook yeah facebook! (there r actually good people there contrary to ur tinkin) we got talking and we found common grounds and really it was one of the best friendships i've ever had! Yeah its now 'had' cos we drifted apart as fast as we became close...lemmi blame distance...

Oct 14, 2010

Day 9: Someone i wish i could meet

Apologies cos i wont have pictures today, and sori this is coming late...anyways who would i love to met??emmm....plenrrryyy people scratch that plenrry celebrities...so am just gonna pick my top 5... Am really thinking hard for this one oo cos i dont even know who my best celebrity is but lets go sha..am gonna be doing it the naija style 1. Joke silver- gosh she is so talented and really intelligent 2. Lagbaja - ma curiousity wants to knw wats...

Read this...

CORPORATE SOCIAL IRRESPONSIBILITY IN AFRICA: THE BHARTI AIRTEL – MTV AFRICA CASE STUDYby Tari EkiyorMy fellow Africans, I write this day to bring to your attention, a case of gross injustice, deception and disregard being committed against the entire nation of Africa, particularly her children.Zain (now Bharti Airtel) and MTV Networks Africa, are the perpetrators of this bizarre crime against the collective African identity."Giving Africa a Voice"This statement is the slogan attached to the MTV Africa Music Awards, sponsored by Bharti Airtel. The...

Oct 13, 2010

Day 8:Fav Internet Friend

So i don't have a human internet friend, people i've warned me not to have those but i have one 'friend' its a website and its www.360nobs.com this place is just like a mini mordern village, you have everything on there so imma make you find out for urself yeap get familiar so am gonna consider myself 360 certifi...

Oct 12, 2010


  SO am going to officially close all my tabs that i've been open since the beginning of my IT... things that made ma loggin on to the internet worth while big brother, 360nobs, facebook, twitter..so this is my dramatic exit from ope...

Its now officially Ex-TechnologyIntern

So am finishing my internship today....12/10/10...really am so glad i worked here i couldnt ask for a better place well except for the Ikorodu traffic hmmm.. lemmi say i had a blast...ook scratch that not exactly a blast cuz i wasnt really able to be the 'talkative' that i am cos of the older people around me.. In my appreciation to timbuktu media(thats the name of the publishing firm) for this experience am going to do free advert, i knw they...

Day 7: My Ex-Boyfriend...

I know these people would probably kill me after this so if you don't get any update from me after this post please write on ma wall so ma family can see it oo making an alarm to arrest all these people...dnt worry ma mum and dad are on facebook!  anthony hmm...finest boy! i tripped THEN!!!!! Feyi...First relationship  Seun...*no comments* really now i really cannot believe that i've officially dated just 3 people gosh it feels...

Oct 11, 2010

Day 6: A stranger

I've been thinking hard to look for the stranger that i know and hmm....blank! But during this internship i've met stranger dat i've acted nicely to, given my number to, talked to....ok now i remember 2 strangers one particular girl on my way from unilag to ketu she just asked me the destination and we started talking funny enough her name was also 'tomi' she schools in ghana its too bad i don't have her picture or even her facebook name..... this...

Oct 10, 2010

Day 5: My Dreams...

just like everyone i do have a dream! I have a dream that this country would be great oh! Scratch that...this is not about this country this is about me... I used to have the fairy tale kinda dreams(i blame too much disney cartoons) when i was young till i realised while growing up that fairy tales don't just grow on trees and u go pluck one for yourself, you make them for yourself and see it through... So this is my fairy tale.... I want to overcome...

Oct 9, 2010

Day 4: My Siblings

I have 3siblings, and am the 3rd of 4 girls... Am gonna just make this simple so honestly there is so much to be said about my wonderful sisters.... they are the bestest sisters anyone could ever ask for asides from the fact that they are not snitches (the ones that would tell mumsi or pupsi about all ur runss), they would always talk about things going in our lives like a round table conference and if there are things we cannot say we write it yh...

Oct 8, 2010

Did he just pee???

So this guy picked me up after work yesterday then we got to a point where we where waitin for the traffic light then he started telling me he had to pee, but there was no way he cld get down admist d traffic...he just kept lamenting and makin funny sounds that he was so pressed..as soon as there was the green light he just tried his best to get out of the traffic so fast but the next thing i hear is 'i can't hold it anymore' then there was silence......

Day 3: My parents

Obviously my parents are engr and mrs akibo who ever they are...k! jst kiddin Scratch that lets do this again... My parents are engr and mrs akibo, they are the modern day 'old skul' altho' thanks to their 4 'soji' girls that are stepping them up, fashion wise, latest technology et all, well there is not so much to say bout them is there? All i knw is ma dad is a good man altho' he is not the 'perfect' father btw does dt even exist??, but he still tries his best to make sure we don't lack anything good and i appreciate him like so very much...i...

Oct 7, 2010

Day 2: My Crush

This is simple i wasn't crushing on anyone till Tuesday...when i saw this picture of this hottie donno who or where he is on dis planet, so this is anoda public plea if you are reading this and you know him pls hook me up wif anything facebook name, twitter handle, email add, phone number, address, anything plssss....ok am done.. But seriously here are the pictures of pple v had a crush trust me they are more than this but these are the ones i...

Oct 6, 2010

Day 1: My BestFriend - sss

 This is a very difficult  question in the sense that i v like a zillion bestfriends...so since i went to different secondary schools i v bestfriends from everyone of ma schls so here we go...  uju faith One of ma childhood bestfriends is 'faith' crazy wakabout girl..we've gone way back from jumping tables durin breaktime in primary sch hmm...lookin bk nw, i js cant help but smile...i knw she loves me she just use to form...lol......

Blog Challenge

Am going to be answering questions from the challenge that i copied from a fellow blogger (http://adorableashgold.blogspot.com)for the next 30 days i hope i can c it through sha... watch this space... Here are the things am going to be writing about.. Day 1 - Your best friend Day 2 - Your crush Day 3 - Your parents Day 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative) Day 5 - Your dreams Day 6 - A stranger Day 7 - Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush Day 8 - Your favorite internet friend Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet Day 10 - Someone you don't...

Oct 4, 2010

VIRGIN: to be or not to be?????

Disclaimer: this post is not to judge anyone am just trying to voice out my mind…and am not gonna talk about myself and the use of the word ‘curse' doesn’t mean an actual curse its just a figure of speech… I thought about writing this cuz I have friends that are virgins and I’ve heard their different stories at different times…. In this day and age that we are in, the people make it seem like being a virgin is a curse that’s what brought about my status update (click to read comments) on facebook on Friday cuz I wanted to know what my friends...

Independently Independent...Naija @ 50

   Happy Independence Nigeria. I'm being really optimistic about this country from hence forth... the work load of the country is with you and i.. Lets join hand to make Nigeria great.. Vote wisely!!! God bless Nigeria and its peo...