Day 12: The person i hate/ the person that has caused me the most pain

Posted by Tomi O on Sunday, October 17, 2010 with No comments
I've Learnt not to hate people, so i don't hate anybody honestly.
I know people i've caused me pain well look through Day 7 all of those people in their own way ve caused me pain but am not sure who caused me the most pain...

oh! Yeah i remember my bicycle has caused me the most pain, in those days that was the period i had the injuries from learning and doing stunts with it hmm...since i stopped riding i've not gone to d clinic to complain for injuries...opps sori i was asked who not what ok!
k this is nt exactly my bicycle but it was kinda

So i don't have a anyone that has caused me so much pain...cos i have a very forgiving spirit so i've forgiven everyone i guess!
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