... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Apr 29, 2013

I Got Tired

I wrote this yesterday night and i just thought to share, maybe i just might get the encouragement i am looking for; 28th April How did it just come over me? The tired feeling. Please, tell me i am not crazy Please tell me that i am doing the right thing chasing after Jesus. I know its right but then sometimes, sometimes..... sigh. ...... i just get tired ..too tired to ask for help from the one i know that gives. tired. overwhelmed. confused. I ask for strength sincerely, Girl too tired to look to the hi...

Apr 26, 2013

The Seer: Redistribute

The Tag read “Event Manager”, picked it up and wore it with pride. Hi, My name is Chioma and this was the day my whole life changed, i’m not sure how i got the job, maybe because Bola is the Choir Director, I don’t know, what I do know is, I was excited when I got the call, who wouldn’t have been? I was just asked to organise the Concert for the Largest church in the City.  They all sat in a row in the brightly lit room that was...

Apr 25, 2013

Book Review: When Heaven Weeps.

SO, Its no huge secret that i am a Ted dekker groupie, Picked up this book last week and i was engrossed through out the week till i finished it. Although the book is old but then it so alive. Once again, Ted (Yeah, we on first name basis now *Yimu*) delivered. google images This book is all sorts of amazing. I got to a point in the book and i just closed it and i was balling my eyes out, really it was that touching. We always hear about...

Apr 24, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

google images google images google images google image...

Apr 22, 2013

He caught up with me finally.

google image With one eye opened foreign tongue in the background, i’m standing there “preparing my mind” and wondering “why hasn’t this happened to me?” i was about 14 years old and it was cadet camp (Thats foursquare version of children camp), that year passed and i had still not felt the holy spirit the way they all said he would just come down and fall on you, and the next year and the next year. “Maybe the holy spirit isn’t for you...

Apr 18, 2013


Cute Keed? No?  My dad's 40th Birthday, who is the cutie in the middle? 2007 Mayflower School, press club hand over So, There you have it, you can laugh at me now ...

Apr 16, 2013

The Seer: Beyond the crowd Mentality

google images Sitting at the table while my mind took flight This study looks smaller, trying to suck me in? Every sense at alert Even notice the ripple at the tail of the housefly that flew by It spinned, it caught my eyes Tiny shapes come together to make the world Dots, trails, long paths How did I see that far? Looking closely, it comes alive Dots trails, long paths leading to the crowd Did you see that? He just snatched...

Apr 9, 2013

Cover me right.

Walking around fully clothed and still longing for a covering. Anyone else ever felt that way? And when people stare at you for too long you start to feel awkward, like “Can you stop already” I’ve felt that way countless times. We are going to camp in Gen 2 &3 for this today. Stay with me “And they were both naked, the man and wife and were not ashamed” Gen 2:25 The first thing people will jump at here is Aha! Wedding night, when...

Apr 4, 2013

New Blog design

Hello Everyone and Happy New Month. This is just to show off my new blog, i think i have grown out of being a DramaQueen and as such the blog should also grow with me. *Drum rolls...