... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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  • Welcom

    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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  • Welcom

    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Jan 31, 2014

Photography: Skies

Hello Everyone,  How are you all doing? Today, we 'watching' the skies :) I Love looking at the skies, The cloud formations. All that blue *dreamy eyes* sunrise and sunset. Absolutely Love it. Here a few I have captured. ...

Jan 30, 2014

#ThankfulThurday: 3015

Hello people, Is it just me or Thursday last week was just yesterday? -__- The week has gone fast bah? I think so, I hope we've all been thankful through the week? Can I have a "Whooooop, Its Thankful Thursday again"??? Whoooooooooooop!!!!! This excites me, really :) Here are the things I am thankful for this week... 1. Jesus ~ God! 2. Isaiah 30:15 Its made me talk less and be peaceful 3. My Parents, please say "Thank you" to them for me here 4....

Jan 29, 2014

Can you help me say "Thank You" to my folks?

Hello people, I have come to ask a favour today. I mentioned in my 2013 review that December didn't go exactly as it was planned. My younger sister had an accident on the 10th of December and when it happened my dad was away on a trip and my mum kicked into action. The only time i've seen her like that was when her dad died (which happened in the midnight) and used the little credit on her phone to literally call their whole family - and boy...

Jan 23, 2014


Whoooo whoooooop!!! Its Thursday again when we can "show off" what we are grateful for. Yeah? What am I thankful for this week? ~ Solitude ~ BIBLE ~ Having friends to discuss the word with. ~ Uncertainty of life ~ Random strangers that are helpful ~ Random act of kindness done to you ~ Gloo.ng - grocery shopping made easy yay! ~ Sleep [But i've been having too much] ~ People being blessed by #DailyExhortations ~ Creflo Dollar ~ Jesus!!! ~ Childhood...

Jan 21, 2014

This happened to me today...

**Disclaimer: This is a very random post and I didn't even write in a book before typing out(Which is a BIG deal) because this happened this morning and I thought to share the lesson I learnt from it ** I saw my 4:30 alarm and did all my morning rituals. Didn't leave home till like 7am and at this time you have to queue to get a keke, once again I told my self "Don't be late" after standing for about 10mins, I entered into a keke. I had N500 in my bag and I asked the other passenger for 'change', so the keke-driver won't talk my ear off about...

Jan 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday ~ Counting it all Joy

Hello people, How was the day? How has the year been? Mine has been going well. Here is what I'm thankful for this week ~ Toothpaste ~ Audio Sermons ~ Toyosi ~ Damilare ~ Sope *Side eye @ilola* ~ New Size 6 Dress ~ Joy in my heart ~ growing bookshelf ~ Black flats ~ Being the Same shoe size with my sisters ~ Scheduled posts ~ Almost complete indomitables collection x_x ~ Empty Garri container (fresh garri soon) ~ Ever faithful zara handbag What are you thankful for this week?...

Jan 15, 2014

Photography: Shameless Self Portrait

If you are not using a Tripod or taking through a mirror, its a huge challenge. This is what happens when there is public holiday and you don't have a model. :) I was trying the hand-to-animal-shadow thing. This is a dog i guess x_x ...

Jan 10, 2014

Father tried to kill me

Tossing and turning through the first watch, father finally got up. Still groggy, hands on his ears trying to block out the voice. The voice spoke again, alert now, he made his way out of the tent he shared with his aged wife, careful not to wake her up. As if to get a clearer view for the conversation that was about to take place, He knelt. Tears rolling down his wrinkled cheeks he said "You, Look at the stars and tell me how they will be mine...

Jan 9, 2014


Hello people, I missed last week of #ThankfulThursday and it was because I was under the rock (ofcourse not literally -__-) No Internet to do any blog work. But, Its 2014 and we are back!! Can I hear a whoop? In my mind *The crowd Whoops away* The first week of the new year Just ended and I have alot to be thankful already; 1. Wireless Network 2. Piggy Bank. Don't ask x_x 3. Little Journals that fit into anywhere 4. Growing Library 5. Black shoes 6. Money 7. Strangers that give compliments 8. Toyosi 9. Dreams 10. NTC(Nike Training Center) 11....

Jan 7, 2014

I don't have an appropriate title (2013 Review)

Hello Everyone, I know this is probably stale but I had to tell of Gods goodness towards me in the course of 2013, by the end of the post you will probably know why I couldn't put it up before now. Here is how my year went and what I hope to do in the new year. *                                                                          *        ...