... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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  • #ThankfulThursdays

    In all things give thanks. Join me every Thursday as I list out the things I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Nov 24, 2014

Are you Paradoxical?

Hello Everyone, Thank you ALL for the words of encouragement in my last post I really do appreciate it.  Now unto the marra of the day. [Source] I am not one to speak plenty grammar. I like to keep things simple and straight to the point anything to avoid complexity. I understand abit of grammar not the obahiagbon kind, but you get my drift. I have a walking encyclopaedia (As I like to call her) as a sister and any time I encounter...

Nov 20, 2014

#ThankfulThursday: Unhappy

Hallo People, I am torn between being totally honest or following the aww-so-my-life-is-happy-on-the-internet trend. But I have been giving the impression on here lately that nothing is going great with me, but then I don't want to join the band wagon of masking the truth. As much as I am not great great right now, I am not depressed in anyway or sad. Still, I choose vulnerable, I choose to be truthfully about where I am at the moment. So, In that...

Nov 14, 2014

Photography: My Jos Trip

Hiii, I was in Jos sometime last year from work and I've this in my draft since then. I think its just about time I shared the images from that trip. Now, I think I know why I didn't post them because they were not complete. I will upload this later. Oh.. The chickens? We visited a poultry. Don't ask -___-  Hope you enjoyed the images?&nbs...

Nov 13, 2014

#ThankfulThursday: We Must Praise

Yaaay!!! Its another #ThankfulThursday Honestly, I am almost slipping into the i-dont-care place and not feeling very thankful atall - I know some of you will start wondering 'Whats wrong with this one sef?' - but then there is so much up and down going on right now, what can a girl do?  Praise anyways!  So, I am going to pull myself away and still say what I am Thankful for this week!  - My Heart; This week I felt, I craved...

Nov 11, 2014

Review: A Lady, her lover and her Lord

Hello People, How are you doing this week? Its been a while I did a Book review on here. One of the things I enjoy doing is reading and although I have stopped reading all the romance novels and 'Just because' books, I spend most of the time reading purpose-driven books or Fiction writers like Ted Dekker, Francine rivers, Frank Peretti etc. that even though its fiction there's a connection to Truth and all that embodies it. This my life is too...

Nov 6, 2014

#ThankfulThursday: Checklists

 Hola! How are you all doing? Its been a while... Thanks for the encouragement in my last post  I really do appreciate it. Its November!!!!! Whoooop!! And whats with the rain these day that only starts when someone is about to go to work?? I'm grateful for the rain oh, but I would be more grateful if it was during the night -__- Grateful child!!!!! :) How have you all been doing? So, This year has been amazing I cannot lie....

Nov 4, 2014

I am tempted to quit blogging

A wise man once said to me ¨If you don't know what to write about, then write about the fact that you don't know what to write about¨   I am taking that piece of Advice today.  I am tempted to quit on this blog. I am tempted to just stop writing. I am tempted to let go and stop being deliberate. I am tempted to 'Let life just happen'. I am tempted to just quit. I am tempted. I put it out on all my social media accounts about the...