... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Sep 28, 2014

''For the first time I prayed out loud'' My God & I with Wale

FH: Tell us about you. I'm a vibrant, energetic and young boy called Wale. A graduate of Crawford University, lover of Christ because I believe there is no-one like HIM. FH: When did you give your life to Christ? That was 2011, at a revival service in my school. FH: What were the events that led up to making the decision? Somethings just happen and you don't have explanation for them. Like the word said in Galatians 1:15 - called...

Sep 26, 2014

9 Months later and she walks without support!!!!!!

Hi Everyone, Remember when I asked to help say Thank you to my parents? I do appreciate that and I won't forget all the kind words. Welllllll  It was because of my sister's accident at the time and today after visiting the hospital the doctor collected the stick!!!  She went from crutches to walking stick in the process of the 9 months healing. I AM SO EXCITED!!!  Now, no more special treatment!! :p :p  Grateful...

Sep 24, 2014

''Was very doubtful I was going to get admitted into school'' My God & I with Temilade

FH: Tell us about you. My name is Temilade Adefioye, most people call me Temi or Temmy. I'm currently doing my Masters program, I love to read, write, cycle and swim. Most people say I'm a very lovely person and I agree with that  FH: When did you give your life to Christ? I gave my life to Christ on September 11, 2000 (not 2011 of the 9/11 saga)  FH: What were the events that led up to making the decision? I was...

Sep 22, 2014

Dear 18-year-old-me

Hey Girl, I see you just turned 18 and I know you are uber-excited. Mummy Bankole will call you today and tell you these words ''You're 18 now, you've become responsible'' and she means it but something she missed out is  responsibility is not imputed to you because of your age, you have to learn to be it. Don't brush it off, own it and learn to be responsible. Look at you all innocent, Its cute and all but I need you to quit being...

Sep 18, 2014

¨Its spiritual doesn’t make it less painful'' Introducing: My God & I

Hello people, I have been working with African Naturalistas for a while and running an Interview column called mane matters and i've watched how its been helpful and encouraging other people on their natural hair journey. I then decided to replicate it here for our walk with God after all that's what's most important. I have a couple of responses already that I will post over the next weeks and hopefully you are encouraged to share yours. Here...

Sep 14, 2014

Dead men walking

Hello Everyone, How is your weekend going? :)  One thing i'm beginning to notice is the Irony that exists in following Jesus.  I've been attending membership class for my not-so-new-church for the last 3 weeks and we treated salvation in one of the classes and it was a major paradigm shift for me.  We keep saying ¨I gave my life to Christ¨ so much that it doesn't hold water anymore, but that isn't even what I'm dwelling on right now, but the fact that logically, spiritually, scientifically, materially, financially and...