... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Sep 30, 2012

Love and Gratitude

When i read this passage i instantly fell in love with it, because it expressed exactly what i couldn't put into words at the time. Psalm 139(msg) ******************************************************** A David psalm. GOD, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I'm an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking.  You know when I leave and when I get back; I'm never out of your sight. You know...

Sep 28, 2012

The Chair

I was going through a rough time and my friend @DeboAj gave me a task to write 3 stories within week with a happy ending, it was indeed a challenge because, at that time i was down in the low and writing was the last thing on my mind, not to talk of a happy ending, but i managed to write this "gba je n simi" (Take let me rest) story, hope you enjoy... *********************************************************************** "i, my name is toun and...

Sep 26, 2012

Series Of Scars: Beat Down

I was about ten years of age and yeah, I was feeling like a big boy, I mean, wasn’t I? I was somewhat of a terrorist at that time. My peers where my subjects and I was their leader, sometimes I even led a few of my elders. Stubborn, fast-mouth, blunt, fearless, they all described me. I was a hunter, fisherman, footballer, love-messenger, to name but a few. I was just an amazing kid, yeah yeah, think whatever you wanna. Anyway, I got back from...

Sep 24, 2012

Series of scars: Scars of life

If my sisters read this, predictable as they are,they'ld jokenly caption it 'scars of life/destiny. They wont be far from the truth I've had my own fair share of scars, some from pieces of broken promises (and believe me those (pieces) cut deeper than any surgical blade could). They helped me find a balance between high expectations and low standards, so these days I neither get my hopes up or let my guards down. In the end we all resort to time,...

Sep 19, 2012

Series of Scars: A Pro-blogScars

Blogging - Pouring your heart out to readers on an Online Journal about particular subjects that are of interest to you. Adsense - A Google Advertising program that pays Web publishers for adverts shown on their articles. Back then when USB Internet Modem was a myth and Laptops were owned only by rich kids - we internet junkies still managed to maintain an online presence by discovering, sharing, using illegal methods and software to bypass mobile...

Sep 15, 2012

Scars - Imperfect me

Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you - Aldous Huxley Don't waste your pain, use it to help others - Rick Warren Growing up riding a bicycle one can only imagine how much "injury" scars I have, but since I was blessed with a very short memory, I can't remember the story behind all the scars, but some stories you can't just forget why? Because you learnt from them the hard way. Let's...

Sep 14, 2012

My Helper

Lift up my eyes to the hills - Where does my help come from? My help comes from the lord, The maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip- He who watches over me will not slumber; Indeed, he who watches over me will never slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over me - The Lord is your shade at your right hand; The sun will not harm me by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep me from all harm - he will watch over my life; The...

Sep 8, 2012

31DayReset: Day31

Challenge: WRITE YOUR OWN EULOGY Its kind of short, but this is what i want it to say, "A Good wife, Wonderful mother, sister and friend. I was not here to be rememered, i was here to prepare. prepare for eternity. Learned. Lived. Loved" This is me raising the bar higher and helping myself achieve this, so it can honestly be said about me. Now i have come to the end of the reset program, and i cannot be more glad that i did this. Thank you for following my journey and i really really hope some of it inspired you as much as it did me. Thaankkkkkkkkkk...

Sep 6, 2012

31DayReset: Day 30

Challenge: Create a vision board. I have a mental vision board and it almost similar to my life's Map, and frankly I don't know how 'm going to go about this, so I think I would just pass. I'm glad this "Journey" is over, its just the beginning of a lot more experiences, this is just a platform for me to be more aware of some of these things I had to work on. I'm so sooo glad I did this, I kinda feel liberated in some way, I'm also almost done with my other 40days journey that I am doing on the side, its been an eye opening experience, maybe...

Sep 5, 2012

31DayReset: Day 29

Challenge: Write Your Bucket List. For those of you that don't know what it means, things you want to do before you kick the bucket... Here's Mine Disclaimer: She is a very boring girl In no particular order 1. Learn to Swim *Calling Aramaanda* 2. Kart Racing 3. Beach photoshoot with the boyfriend (errrmm.... Can we scratch?) 4. Sky dive? Indoors? *_o 5. Hang out with friends... Who has this on a bucket list? Ok, lemmie quickly explain why this is here. I always make plans to hang with "friends" but I never see it through, so I'm guessing...

Sep 4, 2012

31DayReset- Day 28

Today’s Challenge: LET GO OF THE PAST Frankly i have dealt with alot of things that i was holding on to and i talked about some here and here There is really nothing more to deal with except maybe i don't know about it... So, in the spirit of letting go,i deleted the 156 opened chats on my bbm and reduced it to 7... i know, i get attached to tiny tiny things like that x_x All 'm doing now is trying to not get too attached to alot of things,...

Sep 3, 2012

Day 27

Challenge: Revive your Love life. This is a sensitive issue for me right now. Why? Errmmmm I don't wanna tell. Anyways there is just so much I can do about the "Love life" as it is right now. So, about reviving? I would say there is nothing left here to revive, we can only hire a pastor to help conduct the funeral service of this love life because its going 6ft under. P.S: Goodluck to you that would be trying to dig up the remains. I so don't envy you, at the same time we don't know what God can do. P.P.S: My phone is faulty right now (I...

Sep 2, 2012

31DayReset: Day 25 & 26

Day 25; Challenge: Find a Community to support your goals.Today's exercise requires you to explore different groups that you could join as part of your personal development journey.This I would love to do, but my own question is where?? Which community?? I've never seen anything like this (I'm sure they exist sha) but as soon as I see, would definitely not let the opportunity pass me by.Would Probably do some exploring when I get back to lagos!Or if you know anyone, can you please help a sister?? Thanks *kisses* Day 26; Challenge: Make a new FriendThe...