The Chair

Posted by Tomi O on Friday, September 28, 2012 with 31 comments

I was going through a rough time and my friend @DeboAj gave me a task to write 3 stories within week with a happy ending, it was indeed a challenge because, at that time i was down in the low and writing was the last thing on my mind, not to talk of a happy ending, but i managed to write this "gba je n simi" (Take let me rest) story, hope you enjoy...
"i, my name is toun and I need a fix” I had heard about The Chair  and how everything said in it becomes confidential, hoping that silly introduction I made becomes confidential too. Although I knew that was the official introduction  for “whatever” anonymous, I also just assumed it was appropriate for “the chair”.
Finally, I was lying on the infamous chair, the chair where many people where many people had admitted their worst fears, the chair where many people have discovered their life’s purpose, the chair that has lead to insanity for some.

It took me a lot of courage and time wasting to make it to this chair, this is my first appointment, I gave a sigh of relief, which did everything but hide my fears. It was okay, I was here. My journey brought me here. And its far from over.

Graduating from the University with a first class degree, I had so many offers for a job. I was 22. I was excited, I loved my life. I started work with the oil company that offered the highest Salary. The firs year was fun, I got paid huge money, lived alone for the first time, partied when I had the time, got a car after the first year. I was basically living the life. Not for long.

I got a promotion, I should  be happy right? No. My boss is lazy, he dumps all his work load on me, I started working 6am-9pm and I still take some work home. My life became routined, I  go to work, get take out food on my way back, sit in the same chair, use the same type of plate; which is disposable by the way, because I don’t have time to do the dishes, sit at the tv; when I don’t have work then I fall asleep. I am 24 and I don’t have a life outside work.

I live everyday like a zombie, I have my cloths and shoes arranged according to the days of the week, I have not gone out on a date in 2years, everyone at work gives me the “weird” look and whisper when I walk pass, I don’t mind. I’m excellent at my job, that consoles me. Its all I’ve got. I’m 27 and nothing has changed.

Sitting at the table one Saturday staring at a pile of workload  I had to go through, out of the blue the tears came running rushing, then the question “For how long, Toun” uncontrollable tears followed my huge question. I didn’t have the answers, I had just gotten to the point where I admitted I needed a chair. The chair. That was 6 months ago, here I am now in “The Chair” trying to talk to a total stranger to make sense of my life. This is my appointment, the first of many. I hope.

The chair has become a place of solitude, a place where I make sense of all the chaos, a place where I let it out, sitting at the other end of the room is my therapist, every Thursday, 3 months together, I put the pieces together. The chair was worth it.

I quit my job, picked  up a camera and I looked at the world through a lens, I did that weekdays and enrolled for weekend make – up classes, started going out a lot, made new friends. I met a man as I went for one of my outdoor shoots, we are going out on a date.

I’m 28. I picked up the pieces of my life and it all started with an appointment with the chair.  

What do you think?
