... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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Aug 31, 2012

31DayReset: Day 23&24

Day 23 – PLAN YOUR RESET PROJECT The exercise is to choose one specific area from your life map to make progress on within the next month. This should be from one of the several major areas of your life. I've decided to focus on my health for the next month. Health is wealth right? The aspects of my health would be      * Physical      * Spiritual      * Emotional     Physical Health: This would involve the food i eat, the exercises and generally what i do with my body....

Aug 30, 2012

31DayReset: Day 22

Challenge: Start a side hustle I have been thinking about a side hustle for a while now, and I've chosen an aspect of my "interests" but I want to go and learn more about it first, and I'm making plans for that when am done in this my "village", the come up with a business plan of some sort but I have a name already :D that's a start right??? I can't talk about it now, you know? Don't wanna jinx it, soon! Very soon! I'm super excited!!! ................................................................................................................... When...

Aug 29, 2012

31DayReset: Day21

Today’s Challenge: STOP COMPLAINING FOR TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Today’s exercise requires you to monitor your own complaints and replace them with something more productive: gratitude. Step 1: Take your Reset notebook around with you today and write down every instance where you complain about something no matter how inconsequential it may seem.  Step 2:  For each instance, write down a statement of gratitude to combat the complaint. Think...

Aug 27, 2012

It feels Good!

I did something today and the normal me would get back home from work, curl up in her bed and cry.. But things aint normal anymore, and I'm glad. I walked back from work a few mins ago (So I could think alil) sitting outside my house and I'm smiling sheepishly to myself really tomilola? I'm so loving this new you! I must say obeying God feels so good, feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulder, really for me, it made sense not to do what I did today, but he has been hinting me to do it anyways and todays was the clearest. So I did!...

31DayReset: Day 20

Challenge: Remove negative People from your life. The kind of person I am, I have a default distant-from-negative-people thing going on, most times I would have gone far from the person before I realise sef, which is a good thing I think. All of a sudden it occurred to me that if I keep distancing myself how would I have the opportunity to influence the person positively? Hmmmmm...... Huge right? Looking at it from that angle, no one is perfect...

Aug 26, 2012

31DayReset: Day 18&19

Challenge: Rest Reflect and Comment1. What was the most important thing you learnt about yourself this week?2. What has been your favourite exercise so far and what did you like about it?3. Which exercise did you struggle with the most and why?Ans: 1. I learnt that I don't necessary have to go through this alone (Accountability Partner Challenge) and there are little things that make me happy, I've just not been paying so much attention to it. You would just wonder how much time you have to do other stuff when you just drop your phone or ditch...

Aug 25, 2012

31DayReset: Day 17

Challenge: Create a Self Care Plan Your self care plan should be about you physical and mental health. Getting in tune with your inner and outer self. It should help you become aware about your thoughts, as well as what you put in your body. My Self Care Plan - Eat Breakfast - Try Yoga - Drink plenty water daily - Exercise for at least 15mins daily - Cut out most Junk food - Get a good therapist - Write flash cards of God's promises for you. - Meditate on God's word - Talk to God - Talk to myself - Talk to my friends about stuff I know I'm...

Aug 23, 2012

31Day Reset: Day 16

Challenge: Write out 100 things that make you happy Yeeaahhh!!!! 100?? That's a whole lot, but thinking about it is making me have a huge grin already. Leggo!! - Buying a book/ Being in a book store - Hanging out with family - Hanging out with ..... - Wedges/Shoes - Making-Up - Playing Dress up - Completing a task - Ticking everything on my to-do list - Listening to good music - Staying alone - My Blog - Being able to spend my money - Sope - Creative Writing - Reading - When things go according to plan - Praise and Worship - Reading and understanding...

Aug 22, 2012

What Matters Most

I have been reading a book over the past 2weeks, Its a day-by-day guide to help discover your life's purpose, this book in many ways than I can explain has helped me deal with things I've been going through these past weeks, something about todays (Day 16) hits me close to home and I felt I should share what I learnt....................................................................................................................Life is all about...

Aug 21, 2012

31DayReset: Day 14 & 15

Challenge Day 14: Redesign Your day To redesign my day I've decided to add 30Mins of Exercising early in the morning between 6:30 - 7:00am, and go to bed earlier everyday, so I can wake up early. Day 15: Ditch TV for 24hours. Where I am I don't have a Tv and since I've not been on twitter for a while (that's what takes my time) I really don't have anything to ditch.. The point of the ditching was to create time for you to do other things, I spend that time(The one I get from not tweeting) reading and watching movies, so I would just stick to...

Aug 19, 2012

31DayReset: Day 12 & 13

Day 12: Craft your ideal life (Narrative)Hmmmm...... My ideal life, Simple. I wake up 5am everyday, Spend time with God, workout for 30mins or 1hour Max, my Job is not far away from home, so I don't get to "rush" all the time, I work for a big company that pays me well and I can buy myself plenty shoes ;) Every wednesday evening I get to hang out with my girls and just let go of work stress.Weekends, I pick my camera and walk the streets and take...

Aug 17, 2012

31 Day Reset: Day 11

Today's Challenge: Write a letter to your lizard brain. What is a lizard brain? The lizard brain is the epicentre of fear. When you in the clutches of the lizard brain you begin to doubt yourself, you begin to resent the process. You feel yourself wanting to give up and throw in the towel. I've felt this lizard brain a lot of times up until now I really never paid so much attention to the damages it could have caused. Here is my letter. Dear...

31 Day Reset: Day 10

Challenge: Today's assignment is to find an accountability partner - someone who can hold you responsible for your own success and progress in pursuing your ideal life. What is an accountability partner? a friend, family member, co-worker, mentor, coach or someone else you can trust to help you keep a commitment someone on the same path as you or simply willing to help you in your specific journey someone who can help you stay on track toward reaching your goals someone who stands firm and won't let you get away...

Aug 15, 2012

31 Day Reset: Day 9

Challenge: Do one thing Your "One thing" must/should meet atleast on of the following criteria: - Something you've been procrastinating on for a long time - Something that terrifies you - Something that Inspires you The action must be tangible and measurable. So what did I do today? When I first did the reset, I bought a new bible as a symbol of my re-dedication but that was 2 Months ago, but today I just really wanted to cook. But errrmmmm *Scratchs head* Okay, I just got back and I don't really have anything at home and I can't have time...

31 Day Reset: Day 8

Challenge: Rest, Reflect and Comment Q1. What is the most important thing you learnt about yourself this week? That I have neglected the things that mean a lot to me and I realise I could be happier by just remembering and being thankful for the things that I have going good for me. Q2. What has been your favourite exercise so far and what did you like about it? The Love letter to the future me. The fact that I can envision myself not being a quitter (its a form of motivation) knowing you've gifted yourself for the exercise and waiting for...

Aug 14, 2012

31 Day Reset: Day 7

Challenge: Create a Life map  A life map is essentially a visual/text representation of what your ideal life looks like. It's really and truly one of the most powerful personal development tools for both envisioning and creating a "map" for the path to your own happiness. Keep in mind that your life map should be in accordance with your values and your personal mission statement. The idea is that now that you've got...

Aug 12, 2012

31 Day Reset: Day 6

Challenge: Write a Personal Mission StatementYour mission statement should be a representation of what's most important in your life, what you want to focus on, who you want to become in the purest form. Simply put your values + values in action.My Personal Mission Statement.I value my relationship with God, I want to improve on that relationship by constantly praying, praising, meditating on his word and Communicating with him. I value the relationships God has put in my life because I know everything is for a purpose and I want to keep being...

Aug 11, 2012

31 Day Reset: Day 5

Today's Challenge: Envision Your Values in Action This challenge is helping you to incorporate your values into your daily life. Divided into two parts, the first part requires you to compare your values to how you’re currently living the life and score yourself on a scale of 1-10. Am i currently living my values?  Relationship with God - 4 Family - 6 Relationship - 6 Friendship - 2 Helping - 2 Financial Stability - 7 Professional Achievement...

Aug 10, 2012

31 Day Reset: Day 4

Challenge: Identify your Values Write a free-for-all list of all the things that mean alot to you in your life, all the things you care about. 1. Relationship with God 2. Family, Love, Relationship with them 3. Romantic Relationship 4. Having people to call me a true friend and vice-versa 5. Having a family, Children, Love 6. Helping in the society (Orphans) 7. Professional Achievement 8. Financial Stability 9. Nature 10. Photography 11. Mental...

Aug 9, 2012

31 day Reset: Day 3

Today's Challenge: Write a love letter to your future self Today's challenge is a two part challenge that helps put perspective to yesterday's challenge and makes you accountable for the whole exercise, so you write a love letter to yourself and e-mail it to your future self as a reward for your exercise. cool right? :) Here is my love letter to me Dear Future Morounfoluwa, I'm really proud of you and the progress you have made in recent times,...

Aug 8, 2012

31 Day Reset: Day 2

Challenge: Take an Honest Assessment of your life The purpose of this challenge today is: To force you to own up to exactly which areas you'd like to improve upon in your life. To give you encouragement to build on what's already great about it Who said being honest with one's self was easy? This challenge requires me to state my likes and dislikes about specific areas of my life (honestly, like who am i deceiving right) Areas of Assessment: 1. Lifestyle (Satisfaction with where you live/living environment, how you spend...

Aug 7, 2012

31 day Reset: Day 1 - Start Here

Hi People. Been a while, i know x_x My Sister sent me this link to check it out, it was about "Happy Black Women" and 31 days challenge to reset your life, at that time i was going through a low point in my life and decided to try it out, i had nothing to lose right? So i did and honestly it really helped me put alot of things into perspective, although I've finished i want to share with the world. ................................................................................................................................................................... Today,...