... At the foot of the Hill [Psalm 121]

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    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...

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  • Welcom

    I will lift up my eyes to the Hills...


Sep 27, 2010

i walked 'the' walk (litrally) 23 sept

So today is a very memorable day well after this thunderous rain that fell in ojota, ketu, ikorodu and probably everywhere else, So i had to go to computer village after work to get a memory card, getting the mem card was not the problem everythin dt happened afterwards was d problem...1st of all gettin a bus to ojota from ikeja was like getting an admission into unilag...do i v a choice i'ld wait till ma turn, i finally gt admission nd d rubbish...

Sep 21, 2010

….I Wonder….

Sometime I wonder… Many times I wonder… I wonder about many things I wonder what adam looked like I wonder why the devil tempted eve I wonder why eve gave into the temptation I wonder what exactly goes on in the human body I wonder how the brain works I wonder why people are so wicked I wonder why people are so good I wonder what the end of the world would look like I wonder what heaven would look like I don't wonder what hell looks like I wonder...

Sep 16, 2010

Can we just go back?

Nigeria is almost 50 but really what do we have to show for it? I picked up an old book in the house today and on the top right coner I saw =N= 11.80k… Just in a flash… We stopped using coins Just in a flash… Everything on the supermarket stand hyped up prices – yes am old enough to say way back when I bought =N=1 sweet and 50k (not thousand oo KOBO) worth of something… Just in a flash… All the transport fare went from 2 digits to 3 digits Just...

Serial Cheater

I’ve always wondered why people cheat? I never knew or had the answers till now.. TILL I MYSELF CHEATED! Then you ask how can she cheat when she is single? Well it feels like cheating I wld say… This cycle involves 4 pple me inclusive There is blueberry which I met in May this year, then there is tweezer that I met about he same time and there id frenzy that I’ve known for close to 5yrs now… As at the time I met frenzy he was my companion, wow looking back I realize how much of him I miss, there was nothing on my mind I wouldn’t tell him,...

I Think I made an enemy… 8th sept

I’ld just go straight to the point cuz really nothing interesting happened on my way from work… Am standing under my umbrella under this heavy rain trying to protect my hair from the rain waiting endlessly for a bus(been standing for close to an hour) this huge bus (not a moolue) came around and I threw my crème chick out the window and ran to secure myself a seat…I got a sit but we had to sit 5 in a row crap! The enemy… We got to a bus stop and this guy and girl enters, I had to stand up for the girl to go inside to get a vacant seat..trying...

Sep 8, 2010

Dear Mandela... No not nelson mandela Jor!!!!

Dear Mandy, I know you don’t know that I’ve been using that your hard cover note book -dat one you ‘shared’ during your convocation- to write down notes for my blog and it would soon finish oo.. On ‘our’ way to work tis morning(tobi and i) I was telling her bout the almost-finished-book and how I would get another one which led to her telling me that your younger sis would graduate soon(please keep a book for me) So one talk led to another which brought about your beautiful-brother as she called him ooo, hearing that my fine-boy antenna (click...

Sep 7, 2010

Random musing of the day

Yeah i know it was a Monday but this particular Monday was unique; no bus, rough garage, heavier traffic, MORE lousy people, LOUDER horns to crown it all up RAIN...WTF or is it just me?? Maybe not...then now i have a sore throat oh great smth to help me with my day right? So its a rather odd day even at work...i don’t have anything to do and since in the process of cleansing my thoughts and changing my perspective of many things i’ve stopped facebook-ing and tweeting, am just looking, coughing and reading random blogs to occupy the day till its...

Sep 6, 2010

First time Sucks!!!

It was a Friday and I was to meet a guy I had been chatting with for a while now (don’t do that alot) lets call him BD… When I closed from work @ 5 and since the place was not so far from my office then I thought ‘it can’t hurt right?’ knowing I’ve been posting this guy for like 2-3weeks, then I called and asked for where I would meet him ‘pink-something’(honestly I can’t remember) I was just wondering in my mind ‘why the name pink??’ I sha discarded the ridiculous name and cos really it doesn’t matter to me… After looking round Lagos (not literally)...

Sep 1, 2010

Virtual Walls

I have a lot of things going on in my mind right now and since have not gone back to school wat else is it going to be??? Man ofcourse – am a straight beautiful girl wat do u expect- The events of the past 2 weeks has just really proven that am a very weird human beign and really I find it hard to even understand myself sometimes *signs* but I still love ME! Since the break up I had with Mr X (well that’s cos he is really my ex) I’ve been hanging...

X-factor Pt2

 I’ve given a post about the x-factor and how it affects us - hanging out with ex and the things it can cause- So recently I’ve been a victim of the thing my BFF and I like to call 'emotional rollercoaster’- the idea of emotional rollercoaster is simple, just like the regular rollercoaster it goes up and down only this time its your emotions- this rollercoaster is very tricky cos when you are High, you are on a serious High and when...