The X-factor 23rd july

Posted by Tomi O on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 with 1 comment
You know what they say 'old flames never die' well not in my case sha (just a lil tho') i won't say my old flames never die, i'ld say am just kind hearted and it makes me want to listen or be interested (even if am not) cos i dont like seeing people get hurt most especially when its because of me, and i know a lot of girls out there are like me, they tend to do things to please other people for a living, why don't you do something for your self something that makes you happy for a change honestly the world would not come to an end if you do, its is something i have learnt over my short years in this life.
So i had lunch with my X-boyfriend and i think for him, i guess he just started having emotional-rush well as much as i have weighed it(pros and cons) i just know it can never work out between us again.
Many people make the mistake of going back into an already collapsed relationship all in the name of 'i still love him/her', we need to face reality cos that thing tha made you leave would def' come back to haunt you(some are lucky tho' and it works for them) all the same you never can tell thats why we need directions from the creator (almighty God) to help us make the right decisions, come to think of it we are all sheep(this sentense looks wrong but i know it does not have a plural watever jare) that need a shepard...Now am gonna go to my very own shepard to ask for directions..i hope you do too...
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