#DearGodLoveLetters: Ayomiku

Posted by Tomi O on Monday, February 10, 2014 with 2 comments

Dear God,

I am back again! (Not to complain or request though)*covers face*
Often times, words fail me... Is it to describe Your awesomeness? Or Your patience or the depth of Your love for me?

I know I have failed You a lot of times yet You still drag me back to You... Sometimes I couldn't even imagine what You see in a wretched me... Giving Your precious son to die for me... (Not sure I can give a fingernail for a stranger); Calling me your child, knowing the number of hairs I have on my head and all these stuff that just seem not possible...

Well, I know I keep going back and forth, pushing and asking for everything at the same time and I might not have been on my very best behavior of late because I haven't gotten everything I have been asking for but I would still love you! Since I have come to realize that it happens at Your own best time!

Here, they say it's the season of love or Valentine season which I actually do not often acknowledge but what else could I wish for or say but be grateful for this day and season that You have blessed me with and it costs me nothing to say how much I love You and would still keep loving You no matter what life brings my way! I'm sorry, I have no gift to bring but my praises and thankful spirit since You already own my heart and all of me!

This is a season of love and I'm giving all my love back to You and to all your wonderful Children around me; with warm smiles to bless their hearts and gentle words to touch their hearts and prayers that would go a long way more than I can imagine!

I Love You so much and I'm grateful I met You when I needed You the most! Thanks for being the best dad, brother, teacher, listener,Doctor, partner and above all my Best Friend! I couldn't ask for anything or anyone else! Thank You for sending Jesus my way, I look forward to feasting at Your table, overwhelmed with Your love and spending all my Time with You!

I Love You much more than even I can imagine and I would love You till the very end!

Your sweetest heart,

N.B: I read this letter a couple of times and kept deleting and re- writing but I wish I could add some more to it but I know you can read it all from my heart *smiles*
Tell Jesus I love Him too! (Not like I have a choice).